Honor of Kings guide: Best tips, tricks, and strategies for the beginners


Honor of Kings guide: Best tips, tricks, and strategies for the beginners

In this Honor of Kings (HOK) guide, MuMu Player will discuss every possible thing a beginner or newbie would need to know to get a headstart.



Understanding the map in HOK

Players must break the enemy's crystal or base tower to win a match and protect their own. The crystal is located at the end of each team's base, where the players are spawned. There are three lanes on the map: Clash lane, Mid lane, and Farm lane. 

Each lane will have three defense towers to stop the opponents from advancing into the enemies' territory; each lane will also have minions who will keep spawning throughout the match.

honor of kings guide


Players will have to take down these defense towers, minions, and opponent heroes through co-ordinate attacks and pushes and eventually target to take down enemy crystal to win the match.
Jungling in Honor of Kings and Jungle Monsters

In between the three lanes, there are two jungles. The map can be divided into four sections if it is divided by the jungles. The jungle is full of monsters that will give the players gold, XP, and other buffs if they can take it down.

honor of kings guide

Blue buff

Killing these monsters will reduce cooldowns for the players and also reduce their mana consumption. This buff is essential for the jungle.

Red buff

Killing these monsters will buff the player's attack speed and give them the ability to deal extra damage to the enemy units or other jungle monsters.

honor of kings guide


Killing the tyrant will give the players more gold and XP. It appears two minutes after the match started and respawns after two minutes of getting killed. After a specific time, the tyrant will evolve into an enraged tyrant. Killing it in the enraged stage will give the players different types of buffs according to their roles.


The players will get increased attack damage, faster health and mana regeneration, and faster movement speed after defeating the Overlord. Killing the Overlord will spawn small dragons in all three lanes, pushing into the enemy base and supporting the team. Overlord generates eight minutes after the match is started.

MuMu player 


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