Age of Frostfall Beginners Guide


Age of Frostfall Beginners Guide

Age of Frostfall is a mobile strategy game that takes place in a world overrun by winter and an unforgiving breed of frozen monsters known as the Unmelted. As the lord of your city, you must raise a dragon, build your city, train a battle-ready army, recruit legendary heroes, and form unbreakable alliances with friends to become king of these harsh lands. This guide is designed to help beginners navigate the game and make a smoother start.

Age of Frostfall Beginners Guide


To enjoy the best audio-visual performance, we recommend playing Age of Frostfall on PC with MuMu Player! For more guides, please review the list below:


Gameplay Overview

Age of Frostfall is a mobile strategy game that requires you to construct and safeguard your city from the Unmelted, a group of frozen monsters. Additionally, you must nurture and establish a relationship with a dragon that can assist your troops in battle. Dragonshield Town is where the game commences.

Age of Frostfall Beginners Guide


Your troops fought against multiple waves of Unmelted monsters to protect the city, but were ultimately unable to defeat The Boss. In order to escape, they fled to Dragonsholm City, leaving behind Orlando to seek out the Dragon Rider to fight the demons. Their current priority is to hatch the Dragon Egg.

Age of Frostfall Beginners Guide


Dragonsholm City has a Hooded Lady who can help battle monsters and hatch dragon eggs. Troops can be deployed to fight the Unmelted on different maps. The dragon's abilities can also aid in battle. As the game progresses, new troops, heroes, and technologies are unlocked. Alliances with other players can be formed to protect cities and reclaim Dragonshield Town.



Age of Frostfall Beginners Guide


  • Orlando is a knight searching for the dragon rider, who he believes is the only one capable of defeating the Unmelted. He entrusts you with a dragon egg before you depart.
  • Nora is a skilled archer and a devoted friend who aids you and Orlando on your journey. She offers wise and compassionate counsel, providing you with valuable advice.
  • The Villager is a helpful resident of Dragonshom City who assists your group by sharing information about the city and the Unmelted.
  • Sloane is a mysterious woman in Dragonshom City who provides aid to your team. She is a skilled archer, a formidable warrior, and an expert strategist, often helping you to plan your battles.
  • The Dragon is a young dragon that Orlando gave to you in Dragonshield Town. By helping it hatch and grow, it will become a potent ally in your battle against the Unmelted. As a valuable asset to the group, it can assist you in defeating even the most formidable foes. As you advance, you will unlock additional characters that will aid you on your journey.



Age of Frostfall has two quest types: campaign quests and daily quests.


Campaign quests are a set of tasks that you must complete to advance in the game. These tasks usually involve defeating foes, exploring uncharted territories, or accomplishing specific goals. Completing campaign quests earns you Golden Leaves, Wood, and other resources, along with experience points that you can utilize to level up your heroes and troops.

Age of Frostfall Beginners Guide


Completing daily quests earns you rewards such as Golden Leaves, Wood, and experience points. These quests usually involve simple tasks, like defeating a specific number of enemies or collecting resources.


Resource Management

Gold coins, Golden leaves, and Wood are the currencies used in this game.


1. Gold Coins

Gold Coins are a premium currency used to purchase Golden Leaves, expedite construction, and buy other items. They can be acquired through real money purchases or by winning them in conquests and real-time battles. There are two main methods to obtain Gold Coins in the Age of Frostfall.

Age of Frostfall Beginners Guide


The first is to purchase them directly from the in-game shop using real money. The second is by winning tournaments, which can be accessed through either the Arena or by joining an Alliance. Competing in tournaments is a highly effective way to earn Gold Coins. Lastly, you can earn gift chests which may contain Gold Coins by completing quests, winning battles, or participating in events.


2. Golden Leaves

In Age of Frostfall, Golden Leaves serve as the primary currency. They enable the player to acquire troops, heroes, buildings, and various other items. Obtaining Golden Leaves is possible by completing quests, winning battles, or buying them using real money. 

Age of Frostfall Beginners Guide


In Age of Frostfall, you can earn Golden Leaves by completing quests, winning battles, and completing daily tasks. Purchasing Golden Leaves with real money is also an option, but earning them through gameplay is possible. By earning Golden Leaves, you can purchase items to help you progress in the game.


3. Wood

In Age of Frostfall, wood is a resource used to build and upgrade your city. You can obtain wood by chopping down trees or purchasing it with Golden Leaves. To obtain Wood in the game, you can directly chop down trees using your axe. Alternatively, you can purchase Wood with Golden Leaves from the in-game shop. Completing quests and winning battles can also reward you with Wood. Gift chests obtained from quests, battles, or events may also contain Wood.

Age of Frostfall Beginners Guide


Final Thoughts

Age of Frostfall is a visually stunning and immersive strategy game that combines defense gameplay, dragon-raising, and city-building. Players can form alliances to achieve common goals. If you enjoy real-time strategy games, Age of Frostfall is worth checking out. This beginner's guide provides answers to all your questions.


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