Avatar Generations tier list


Avatar Generations tier list

Looking for a brand-new team-building mobile game to play on the go? MuMu Player's Avatar Generations tier list could help this new release be just the ticket. From Navigator Games and Nickelodeon, Avatar Generations is the first time in a while that the Avatar: The Last Airbender franchise has had its own game. And with so many characters to draw upon, it could be around for a while.

MuMu player

As is par for the course with any of these team-building mobile games, a tier list will always form around the best characters. And with more added frequently, some will climb, while others will fall off as new content gets harder to clear with older units. That being said, some characters are always worth their salt, and this tier list should help you invest in the best of the bunch.

Avatar Generations


Suki, Aang (Avatar State)


Zuko, Sokka. Jiang (Battle Captain)


Zhao (Commander), Toph (Earth Kingdom), Tyro, Katara (Bending Master)

Avatar Generations


Katara, Zuko, Aang, Gyatso




With the game only just having launched, consider the Avatar Generations tier list a work-in-progress. Team building games take a lot of work to reliably see the strengths and weaknesses of each character come through. Some can be incredibly strong early on tapper off in later sections, whereas weak initial characters can sometimes bloom at higher levels.

avatar generation

There's also the issue of the character list being a little light at the moment. Many characters can be unlocked with different elements and attack styles, making differenciating them on the tier list tricky.

For now, consider any character with a high rarity stronger than their more common versions. You can't really go wrong that way. It could do happen that initially weaker versions will stand out in specific battles later down the line, though, so don't rule out a pull completely.



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