AWM in Standoff 2 Guide | Description of the Gun and How to Use It


AWM in Standoff 2 Guide | Description of the Gun and How to Use It

It's no secret that almost the entire arsenal from the Counter-Strike series of shooters was borrowed by Axlebolt studious for Standoff 2. Thus, one of the most important attributes of weapons in a mobile game is the AWM sniper rifle, which is a complete analog of AWP. It is lethal and very slow. Players often choose it for competitive matches and use it in other game modes. But sometimes they do not show outstanding results in kills or assists. Why is this happening? In this guide, we will tell you how to play with AWM in Standoff 2.
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How to Play With AWM in Standoff 2?

To show the best results when playing with AWM in Standoff 2, remember 3 things:
The sniper should not try to rush the opponents. Instead, he should keep his distance and shoot accurately.
You should adhere to the rules “One shot – one dead.”
Switching quickly to a pistol is a very valuable skill that will save your life more than once.
Many players forget that the role of a sniper is to find a firing point and shoot at targets without changing position. This works in Standoff 2 as well. If teammates are not interested in team play and are constantly scattering around the map, periodically check the approaches to your place yourself. Take a Tec-9 or Desert Eagle as a secondary weapon and shoot enemies from far and near, earning personal experience points.
Train your AWM shooting skill in Standoff 2. If you want to play like a pro, then devote at least 30-40 minutes a day to the training process. It can be shooting at targets in the “Training” mode"Team battle"or "Arcade"matches. Also, check the mouse sensitivity settings when aiming and adapt everything for yourself.
Use cover to hide after a miss or when there are several enemies in the line of fire. Practice quickly switching from your primary to the secondary weapon to kill injured opponents and shoot back when you are getting pressed.
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