Introduction: Ceobe's skills in Arknight


Introduction: Ceobe's skills in Arknight

In Arknight, Ceobe is a very attractive hero. Her skills are also very gorgeous and powerful. In this article, we will introduce and analyze the skills, advantages and disadvantages of this character.

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Ceobe is a 6 stars single-target (ST) Caster who specializes in DPS and Crowd-Control. As an ST Caster, Ceobe's attacks deal Arts damage with a lower attack interval than AoE Casters and longer range of 3×3 tiles with a 1-tile extension up front at Elite 1, but lower ATK and can only hit one target at a time.

Ceobe has lower HP but higher ATK when compared to other ST Casters, however. Ceobe is meant to bust through enemies with high DEF (which are usually, but not always, weak to Arts damage due to their low/no RES) especially with her first talent Thresher which causes her attacks to deal an additional instance of Arts damage equal to a portion of the victim's DEF; this means that the higher the enemy's DEF, the more damage they took from Ceobe's attacks with Thresher. Her skills also bolster Ceobe's DPS to overwhelming levels and represents her Crowd-Control specialization well:


The first skill, "Really Cold Axe", causes Ceobe's attack to do more damage and temporarily binds the victim whenever it is fully charged, which can stack multiple charges at higher levels. Unlike Ceobe's regular attacks, the attack which triggers "Really Cold Axe" will prioritize enemies who are not being blocked over those who are, so it's really effective at stopping fast-moving enemies like Hounds and Breakers, or unblockable ones like Wraiths, dead in their tracks.

The second skill, "Really Hot Knives", lowers Ceobe's attack interval and makes her prioritize enemies with the highest DEF over the others when attacking while it is active. Combined with Thresher, Ceobe can deliver massive damage to high-DEF enemies in a short space of time, making Ceobe a really good boss-killer, and as such, "Really Hot Knives" should be Ceobe's go-to skill.

The third skill, "Really Heavy Spear", greatly buffs Ceobe's ATK, extends her range to 3×4 tiles, and causes her attacks to deal physical damage instead of Arts while active, which also prioritize enemies with the lowest DEF over the others and temporarily silences them. Despite of the damage type quirk, "Really Heavy Spear" can be surprisingly useful in the event that enemies with dangerous abilities like Infused Originium Slugs and Sarkaz Casters show up, since they typically have really low DEF and Ceobe can easily made them impotent with it, although the targeting priority makes Thresher much less effective since most enemies with low DEF have decent or high RES.

Ceobe's second talent, Lone Journey, slightly buffs her ATK and ASPD when there are no friendly units in the adjacent tiles to her, making it quite preferrable to deploy Ceobe away from other friendlies to provide a slight but welcome increase to her DPS.

Ceobe's first base skillI Want It All, increases Factories' capacity by 8 and reduces her morale drain rate by 0.25 per hour when she is assigned to one, with her second base skill Right Now also increases productivity by 20% and 1% in every passing hour, which caps at 25%.

Overall, Ceobe is a great ST Caster and one of the better Casters. Her ability to quickly reduce high-DEF and low-RES enemies into dust is what made her regarded as such, allowing this airheaded arms master to bring down just about every bad guys no matter how strong they are.


Advantages: Attacks deal Arts damage. "Really Hot Knives" significantly improves DPS. Thresher inflicts an additional instance of Arts damage based on the target's DEF in each attack, making it devastating against enemies with high DEF but low RES. "Really Heavy Spear" greatly buffs ATK, extends range, and silences enemies hit by Ceobe's attacks. Lone Journey slightly buffs ATK and ASPD when there are no friendlies adjacent to Ceobe.

Disadvantages: All three skills modify Ceobe's targeting priority, which may be awkward at times. Thresher is less effective against enemies with low DEF but high RES. "Really Heavy Spear" causes Ceobe's attacks to deal physical damage instead of Arts. "Really Heavy Spear" causes Ceobe to attack enemies with low DEF, decreasing the efficiency of Thresher.

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