[FFEXVIUS]Steel Castle Melfikya


[FFEXVIUS]Steel Castle Melfikya


  · Origin: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius

  · Type: Equipment Enhancement Event

  · Boosted Rare Modifier:


  Enhancing Equipment

  · Select the equipment you wish to enhance. Each equipment has 3 ability slots to enhance.

  If you select equipment currently attached to a unit, it will be unequipped automatically from all parties.

  All types of weapon will be available to enhance, but some of them will have a boosted rare ability available only for the duration of current event.

  · Select the dungeon, and venture into each floor upon choosing your companion and party.

  Each entry will consume 1 orb. You can hold up to 10 orbs at a time, with 1 orb given per hour. Ranking up or using Lapis refresh for100 will refill them to full. You can use Equipment Enhancement Orb Restore to restore 1 orb each.

  There are a total of 10 floors. Each floor will be increasing in difficulty, but also higher chance of rare or strong abilities.

  When you first enter this event, your regular party sets will be copied as a new, completely separate sets of party. You can equip different equipment and unit to this party set without changing other parties.

  · Each time you clear a floor, you will obtain event points and an ability.

  You may choose 1 from 3 different abilities chosen at random.

  Abilities that are already enhanced to your current equipment will not show up again.

  If those 3 slots are already filled, you may replace 1 of them, or skip.

  · Clearing all the floors available will render the dungeon completed.

  You can also choose to leave on any floor and keep all of the abilities you've obtained.

  In the case of game over, you can either retire with100 and keep all of the abilities you've obtained, or leave and lose them.

  If the equipment selected had already been enhanced before, you will be given the option to choose between your newly obtained abilities, or with the set you had acquired previously.

  · Troubleshooting

  To hold onto newly gained abilities prior to the event ending and maintenance beginning, remember to complete or retire from the dungeon, otherwise any gained abilities will be lost. Selected equipment that has not received its floor 1 ability will not gain any abilities.

  If the event ends before floor 10 has been completed, the equipment will keep the abilities gained from the previous floors and overwrite any old abilities (i.e. you cannot choose between the new abilities and old abilities).

  Reset the game if equipment appears to be missing after maintenance is completed.

  Party Composition

  · Much like the Arena and 10-man trials this mode uses its own party and equipment composition.

  · Enemies (e.g. Olivier, Petraryukos) can inflict status ailments. The use of abilities such as Clear Veil, Status Reset, etc. is advised.

  · A new friend unit is chosen for every floor but otherwise your party will behave as though all floors are one continuous set of battles (e.g. LB, MP, HP, esper gauge, status ailments all carry over).

  You can use the early floors to build esper gauge and LBs. You can also save mana by using just the friend units' abilities to clear them.


  · The average chance to get a rare ability is around 12 full clears (120 orbs).

  · Stats that are discarded or rewritten can reappear in later stages.

  · See Mechanics for more information about buffs/boosts, such as Auto-Shell.

  Event Points

  · Every full clear nets ~12,500 points. The final reward cannot be earned even with diligent orb usage and all of the rewarded restore orbs; some refills via lapis or ranking up are needed.

  Floor Composition


  · Floor 1-7 are not difficult. Floor 8-10 might require break and chaining.

  · Mixed damage party is recommended. Enemies might be strong against physical or magic damage, and might have elemental resistances.

  · All enemies are fully breakable.

  · Floor 8:

  Demogorgon Immune to status ailments, strong against physical damage, weak to magical damage.

  Deadly Knight can inflict poison and confuse.

  Evil Drake

  · Floor 9:

  Petraryukos is strong against magic damage. Vulnerable to paralyze, blind, and confusion. Recommend physical cover or AoE earth resistance if not OTKOing.

  Roar, Sandstorm, Break, Stonga, Quake, and Reflect.

  Andesaurus is strong against physical damage.


  Mizuchi Immune to status ailments, 100% resistant against all elements except Fire and Light.

  Stone Breath.

  · Floor 10:

  Baal Berith can AoE inflict confuse as well as become physical resistant. Resistant to dark. Vulnerable to blind.

  Razor Scale, Judgement Scythe, Salvation Scythe, Wind Slash, Razor Gale, Confusega, Shadow Wall.

  Olivier can AoE inflict paralyze, and cast ST berserk. Resistant to dark. Vulnerable to poison and blind.

  Flare, Confusega, Drain Swipe, Osmose Swipe.

  Erigoss is strong against magic damage. Vulnerable to poison. Recommend magic cover or AoE dark resistance if not OTKOing.

  Darkstar, Bioga, Graviga, Meltdown, Tornado, Life Drain, Judgment Scythe.


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