Enabling VT in Lenovo PCs

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Enabling VT in Lenovo PCs
Waktu pembaruan terakhir:2021-04-19

Click to select the corresponding computer series

1. Home-purpose laptops (Y, Z, G, N series) with Intel chipsets

1. Home-purpose laptops (Y, Z, G, N series) with Intel chipsets

① Reboot your PC and access BIOS:

Right on the first interface after booting, repeatedly press "F2" (or "Fn+F2" for certain models) to access BIOS.

Remark: (What if I keep on failing to access BIOS because the startup happens too fast?)

Enabling VT in Lenovo PCs1

② Select "Configuration" → "Intel Virtual Technology" → Change it to "Enabled" → Press F10 to save the setting and exit.

Enabling VT in Lenovo PCs2


2. Home-purpose laptops (Y, Z, G series) with AMD chipsets

① Reboot the PC and access BIOS:

Right on the first interface after booting, repeatedly press "F2" (or "Fn+F2" for certain models) to access BIOS.

Remark: (What if I keep on failing to access BIOS because the startup happens too fast?)

② Select "Configuration" → "SVM Support" → Change it to "Enabled" → Press F10 to save the setting and exit.

Enabling VT in Lenovo PCs3

3. Business laptops:

① Reboot the PC and access BIOS:

Right on the first interface after booting, repeatedly press "F1" to access BIOS.

Remark: (What if I keep on failing to access BIOS because the startup happens too fast?)

② Select "Configuration" → "Virtualization" → Change it to "Enabled" → Press F10 to save the setting and exit.

Enabling VT in Lenovo PCs4

4. Intel desktops:

① Reboot the PC and access BIOS: Right on the first interface after booting, repeatedly press "F1" to access BIOS.

Remark: (What if I keep on failing to access BIOS because the startup happens too fast?)

②Select "Security" → "Advanced" → "CPU setup" → "Intel(R) Virtual Technology" → Change it to "Enabled" → Press F10 to save the setting and exit.

Enabling VT in Lenovo PCs6


5. AMD desktops:

① Reboot the setting and access BIOS: Right on the first interface after booting, repeatedly press "F1" to access BIOS.

Remark: (What if I keep on failing to access BIOS because the startup happens too fast?)

② Go to "Security" → Find "SVM uCode Option" → Change it to "Enabled" → Press F10 to save the setting and exit.

Enabling VT in Lenovo PCs7


Visit Lenovo's official website to learn about other alternatives.

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