MuMu stops responding while loading or freezes at 10%

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MuMu stops responding while loading or freezes at 10%
Waktu pembaruan terakhir:2021-04-19

1.Try updating the graphics card driver:

①Download from the manufacturer's website:




②Download and install DriverGenius, detect the current graphics card specification with it, and then update the driver as recommended.

③Click Here> How to update the graphics driver

2.If you are using an AMD graphics card, you can try running the emulator with only the integrated graphics by: open AMD settings or NVIDIA control panel → click "Manage 3D Settings" → "Program Settings" → "Custom Programs" → select NemuPlayer.exe (add it if you don't see it)" → set to run only with integrated graphics → restart the emulator (for AMD notebooks, set "performance" to "save power ").

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