Summoners war: Springtime Event


Summoners war: Springtime Event

好爱你Clear missions every day to collect petals! Collect as many as you can for various rewards!


■ Event Period

Apr. 3rd 7 pm - Apr. 17th 7:59 am PDT

Rewards are available until Apr. 18th 7:59 am PDT


■ Event Details

Event 1. Clear missions every day to get petals and rewards!


<Energy Mission>

- Energy Used: 100 / 200 / 300 


<Arena + World Arena + Guild Content Mission>

- No. of Plays: 10 times / 20 times / 30 times


* Missions can be completed up to 5 times and reset every day at 8 am PDT.

* 1 Petal can be obtained for clearing one mission.

* For World Arena, entering 2vs2 Team Battle and Special League will count, but Goodwill Battle won't count.

* For Guild Content, entering Guild Battle, Siege Battle and Tartarus' Labyrinth will count.

* For Tartarus' Labyrinth, the count will go up when you successfully attack stages. In the case of Time Limit stages, the no. of battles won in the labyrinth will be counted when the battle ends.

* The mission difficulty level will be lowered for Summoners with Lv. 49 or below after the event opens, and the lowered difficulty level will remain even if they reach Lv. 50.


<Daily Gift>

- 1 Petal Collected: Mana Stone x100,000

- 3 Petals Collected: Energy x50

- 5 Petals Collected: Mana Stone x100,000, Energy x50


Event 2. Get rewards based on the no. of petals collected!


- 5 Petals: Mystical Scroll x2

- 15 Petals: Summoning Stone x150, Ancient Coin x20

- 25 Petals: Crystal x150, Ancient Coin x30

- 35 Petals: Reappraisal Stone x1

- 45 Petals: L&D Scroll x1

- 55 Petals: Mystical Scroll x2

- 65 Petals: Mystical Scroll x2

>>>Now login to Summoners war to get the rewards with MuMu Player!<<<


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