Soul of Eden: Tips to Spend Your Currency


Soul of Eden: Tips to Spend Your Currency

For the game Soul of Eden, if you just want to have fun and collect as many cards as you want then don't worry: you can do that! If you want to be a little more competitive, you could concentrate primarily on the faction(s) that you plan on playing.

soul of eden


And, if you really want to go up the ranks, then the best thing would be to play Republic/Alien, as these factions are gotten very early on and thus you'll be able to build upon them from the start. But you need to know how to spend your currency if you're going to climb the ranks, so next up MuMu Player will talk about this!



The primary currency. You use it to purchase card packs, but can also be used to get additional missions and to reuse the Waterfall of Time. You mainly get Soulstones by completing missions.

Don't be scared to use Soulstones on card packs early on, especially once you've unlocked the faction you prefer. Card packs will help you get started on your collection. Don't waste Soulstones on additional missions or on the Waterfall of Time. The additional missions, while nice, aren't worth the Soulstones.

The Waterfall of Time does give good rewards and is generally worth using Soulstones on, but not at the start. You want to get a decent collection of cards before you start using the Waterfall of Time.


Mainly used at the shop, where you can buy specific cards that are on sale. You get them by completing missions. You also get 150 for every three wins.


Use them freely on cards you like at the shop. Optimally you always want to have a good amount stored away so you're not broke if a card you want pops up. Be sure to check the shop every day – it sometimes gives free goodies like Soulstones.

soul of eden

Gaia Stardust

Used to upgrade Republic and Alien cards. You can dismantle cards to obtain stardust, or purchase it directly from the store using Soulstones.

Eden Stardust

Used to upgrade Beasts and Empire cards. Can be obtained in the same way as Gaia Stardust.

Don't worry too much about the two Stardusts. They become important later when cards require a large amount to upgrade. But they don't have much use at the start.


The primary currency. You use it to purchase card packs, but can also be used to get additional missions and to reuse the Waterfall of Time. You mainly get Soulstones by completing missions.

Don't be scared to use Soulstones on card packs early on, especially once you've unlocked the faction you prefer. Card packs will help you get started on your collection. Don't waste Soulstones on additional missions or on the Waterfall of Time. The additional missions, while nice, aren't worth the Soulstones.

The Waterfall of Time does give good rewards and is generally worth using Soulstones on, but not at the start. You want to get a decent collection of cards before you start using the Waterfall of Time.

soul of eden


Mainly used at the shop, where you can buy specific cards that are on sale. You get them by completing missions. You also get 150 for every three wins.

Use them freely on cards you like at the shop. Optimally you always want to have a good amount stored away so you're not broke if a card you want pops up. Be sure to check the shop every day – it sometimes gives free goodies like Soulstones.

Gaia Stardust

Used to upgrade Republic and Alien cards. You can dismantle cards to obtain stardust, or purchase it directly from the store using Soulstones.

Eden Stardust

Used to upgrade Beasts and Empire cards. Can be obtained in the same way as Gaia Stardust.

Don't worry too much about the two Stardusts. They become important later when cards require a large amount to upgrade. But they don't have much use at the start.

MuMu player



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